(New Process) SSO ID Registration For Citizen, Udyog, Govt. Employees

SSO ID Registration For Citizen, Udyog, Govt. Employees and all other information is given in this article. To register for government jobs and government schemes issued by the Rajasthan Government, you will have to go to the Rajasthan SSO Portal. To avail of the benefits of government schemes of Rajasthan, an SSO ID is required; if you do not have an SSO ID, then you will have to register through the Rajasthan SSO Portal. In this article, we have discussed Rajasthan SSO ID Registration For Citizens, Udyog, Govt. Complete information about employees has been provided. If you also want to do SSO ID registration, then read this article completely.

 SSO ID Registration For Citizen, Udyog, Govt. Employees

It is very important for all the citizens of Rajasthan to register in SSO because to avail the benefits of all the government schemes run by the Rajasthan government, the user needs SSO ID. Three types of citizens can register in SSO ID – 1. Citizen 2. Industry 3. Government employee.

SSO ID Registration Overview

Portal NameSSO Portal Rajasthan- SSO Login
Official LauncherGovernment Of Rajasthan
Foundation Year2013
Helpline Mobile Number0141-5123717, 0141-5153222
Helpline Email Addresshelpdesk@rajasthan.gov.in
Total G2G Apps 298
Total G2C/ G2B App191
Total Identities2,94,84,588
Registration ByCitizen, Udhyog, Govt. Employee
CategorySSO ID Registration
Official Websitesso.rajasthan.gov.in

SSO ID Registration For Citizen on SSO Portal Rajasthan

Three types of users can register for Rajasthan SSO ID; here, we have told you about SSO ID Registration For Citizens; this person creates it for personal use, and the user uses it for the available services. Here, we understand SSO ID Registration For Citizens in a systematic manner-

Step 1: First, go to the official website.

Step 2: Now the citizen clicks on “Registration”.

Step 3: Now, you will get two options (Jan Aadhar & Google). Out of this, citizens of Rajasthan should select Jan Aadhar, and citizens outside Rajasthan should register using Google.

Step 4: In the next step, enter your Username, Password, and Mobile Number and click on submit.

SSO ID Registration For Udyog on SSO Portal Rajasthan

Three types of users can register in Rajasthan SSO ID; here, we have told you about SSO ID Registration For Udyog, which a person creates for his industry. Here, we understand SSO ID Registration For Udyog systematically-

Step 1: Go to the official website of the Rajasthan SSO Portal.

Step 2: Now the citizen clicks on “Registration”.

Step 3: Now, the citizen has to click on “Udyog” and then click on SAN.

Step 4: Enter Sanstha Aadhaar Number and click on Next.

SSO ID Registration For Govt Employees on SSO Portal Rajasthan

Three types of users can register for Rajasthan SSO ID; here, we have told you about SSO ID Registration For government employees; government employees make it. Here, we understand SSO ID Registration For Govt Employees systematically-

Step 1: First, go to the official website sso.rajasthan.gov.in.

Step 2: Now the user clicks on “Registration”.

Step 3: Now candidates click on “Govt Employees”, enter SIPF Number & Password and click on Next.

Step 4: If you have filled in the correct details, you will get login details.

SSO ID Registration, Login (FAQs)

What is SSO ID?

In Rajasthan and India, only one SSO ID is created in the name of the candidate through which government job forms and government schemes can be availed.

How to make an SSO ID?

We have provided complete information on SSO Portals as to how you can do SSO ID Registration.

How much time does it take to get an SSO ID?

If you have filled all the information correctly in SSO ID Registration, then you get the login details immediately.

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